The incidents behind Deborah Fraser’s death have been made public.

Deborah Fraser is a household name in South African gospel singing circles, and rightly so. Her name is practically synonymous with quality. Due to the fact that she has spent the better part of three decades working in the music industry, her notoriety can be found throughout a great deal of the rest of the world. The most recent album she released was titled Ujehova Akanqotshwa in 2019, but due to the rampant Covid-19 outbreak, she has not been able to perform live since that time. As a direct result of the outbreak, she was unable to carry out any of her live concerts as originally scheduled.




She noted that the music industry has gone through tremendous changes since the days of cassette tapes and compact discs to the digital world of downloads in the present day, but she expressed her thanks for the ability to continue to be relevant in the industry despite these changes.

She was given the diagnosis of diabetes quite some time ago, and ever since then, she has faced a variety of precarious situations with regard to her health. Drum magazine reported that she was speaking about her health at the end of the previous year, and she stated that she is doing well physically.

A video of her performance from April that was posted to social media quickly gained widespread attention. A number of users have passed along the video to their friends. She was observed sitting in a wheelchair while she was performing, and this led many people to wonder whether or not she is physically unable to stand or move without the assistance of a wheelchair. Others were of the opinion that it was only a component of the performance.

It has just been announced that the gospel singer did not survive the accident and has departed tragically. According to the recollections of individuals who were privy to her life, she passed away following a brief struggle against disease. At that point in her life, she had already lived for 56 years. I pray that the Lord will give her soul the peace that it so richly deserves when she passes away.