The impact of Mpho Phakade’s leaving Generations the legacy

Junior Singo who portrays the charecter of Mpho o Generations the legacy has left the SABC 1 most watched soapie. Mpho who in real life I’d tye father of 1 daughter Ayamah has hinted his mission on Generations the legacy is done as the soapie director are looking for his exit strategy.





Currently Mpho is set to be let down by Detective Dali Malinga his police Godfather and mentor after falling excuse to an organ transplant syndicate led by his foster father Kumkani Phakade. Will he leave Generations without solving Tymryn’s murder case

The odds are against Mpho on his mission to solve his friends murder case. After deciding to go undercover to bring his father Gadafi to justice and crack his friend’s murder case. Mpho Phakade found himself in a difficult situation with organ donors and those who needed the organs .

What’s the next for junior Singo aka Mpho Phakade on Generations the legacy. Source close to the actor revealed that he is lined up for an upcoming projects. We wont miss him for long on our screen , he is set to return with a new role