There’s a difference between an Educated person and a Certificated person. An Educated person is someone who obtained a university/college qualification(s) and start his/her own business instead of looking for employment. He/She can be employed but has side hustle(s).
A certificated person is someone who obtains university qualification(s) and brag about it. That’s someone who’s actually keep on looking for employment on the streets with placards, his/her qualification(s) blocks her mind from thinking outside the box.
Let’s take an example from the two above pictures. The man on Picture number 1 is educated. He also holds the following: Bachelors degree : Honours degree
: Masters degree
: He’s a PhD candidate
: He’s permanently employed
: He’s a businessman
: He’s also an employer
He holds all of the above mentioned qualifications yet you’ll see him securing the bag on the streets. When he’s not at his 9 to 5 job, he’s busy selling on the streets.
The rest on Picture number 2 are certificated. They hold too many qualifications just to wear a gown and take pictures to brag on social media. They’re so lazy. They depend on government with almost everything. They can’t think of employing themselves.
Everyone who holds university/college qualification(s) but doesn’t have a side hustle is certificated. Just because you hold a university degree doesn’t mean you are educated. Infact many are certificated and only few are educated.