The artist that is leading the race for song of the year

2022 was a hell of the year in entertainment industry as we heard different songs in SA that were top of the charts.It the chance to make sure that you vote for your best song in 2022, the song of the year that will lead you straight into 2033.












We all have our favorite song that we wish can be selected,but the fact is that the song cannot for itself it needs you to cast your vote.

Dj Maphorisa and Visca #Bastrata

When it comes to the song of the year we used to debate the one that is selected and we don’t cast our votes. Let your power be felt this year choose your favorite song right now before it become to late for that.

Ithwasa lekhansela #kawungondli

Skye Wanda #Amazwi

Betusile Ngena #Noah

Skweletu #inja endlini

Big Nuz#Ngeke


Big Zulu#Voicemail

DJ Tira#Sikilidi