Thabsie with her one in seven billion, asking people their biggest fear about marriage

Thabsie is letting people to know that marriage it’s a wonderful journey one could enjoy but only if you are with your one in seven billion. She has a question for single people which goes as follows” For those who aren’t married, What’s your biggest fear about marriage?”

She asked the question after she has posted a picture with her husband looking all cute and happy. She is trying to tell people that she is happy with her husband she has chosen and not every marriage is a disaster as she is enjoying hers.

Single people have commented on the post telling their biggest fear about marriage, the fears are many coming from different people and the comments can discourage a person not to get married. People have said different things.

One is saying her biggest fear is to get married to the wrong person, before marriage a person would treat you well and not give you any problem also doesn’t cheat on you but after getting married the person would start to be a monster get to cheat on you and also all kinds of abuse will start occurring he will be saying he is owning her.

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