Teacher Scores Pupil Zero in EXAM For Correct Answer

Teacher Scores Pupil Zero in EXAM For Correct Answer. A teacher has shared the exam sheet of a pupil who scored zero in a recent examination which was taken at school.



In the photo which the teacher shared, the child was asked to explain the word ‘marriage’ and what it entails

“This pupil is a genius. I see no reason he should get 0 in this test”, someone reacted to the post.

The pupil replied: “Marriage is when a woman leaves her parents and meets a man who is being disturbed by his parents to get married

Fans Reaction
@JethroMonareng reacted: “To start with, why do you ask a Minor an Adult question? The question is more of a higher level in the mind of a minor. Maybe the question should have been, “What is your understanding of Marriage?” Then the narrative would have succeeded. I give 5/10 thereafter.”

@mahlo matshe commented: “I think the teacher who marked the question was a lady otherwise a male teacher will give 8/10. The problem will only be language.”

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@abeltoink reacted: “Student is Correct. The Answer has always been Reality based, why should it be scored on a Romanised version. The F is for understood Fully & Finally Figured.”