Tarina Patel tweets a photoshopped picture of herself with Mr Smeg

Tarina Patel is one of the most beautiful women in South Africa. She is famously known for her talent in hosting shows and acting. She is a humble lady who like people and supporting other people in the entertainment industry.


Tarina Patel had taken it to social media to share a photoshopped picture of herself with Mr Smeg. She is not dating M4 Smeg, she posted the photo because her and Mr Smeg always laugh together on social media. I have to say that they can make a great couple, they just need to take a photo live together.

Mr Smeg is handsome and he will make a great man to Tarina. Mr Smeg is always sharing photos of Tarina and say that she is “beautiful “, this is the good time for them to finally go on a date.