Tamia Mpisane and her mother leave fans gushing over them.

As black people we are very judgemental when it comes to pregnancy. Especially when a woman is not married or is young. We didn’t from other races because they advise their children to start having children when they are young. It allows you to be able to do everything with your child and not do them when you are old.

We absolutely love it when mothers and daughters look like they are the same age. Tamia Mpisane is the first born and is a replica of her mother. The chairwoman made sure to take her mother’s genes because it is like looking at one person in different decades.

The two went to a wedding together. Tamia’s mother shared breathtaking pictures of them and we couldn’t help but gush over them. Their resemblances is something else especially that smile. Their fans made sure to shower them with compliments which they were not exaggerating.