Since the 19 year old Kwamhlanga lady, Arianna Matt gate gained fame a few weeks ago, she hasn’t been in people’s good books as she is always slammed for everything. Unfortunately you can not always be good in peoples eyes especially when you have just became famous.
Aarianna even said on one of her tweet that she doesnt suffer from “bazothini” syndrome and that she will not entertain anyone who is after to destroy herself and her image.
Many people might be supportive towards her achievement but the majority of people are really not happy after her performance of Live Amp,its as though the girls didn’t know what they were doing at all.
Tweeps fans were saying that the reason she got famous was because of her skirt and that she was under the influence of alcohol that today hence people thought she could dance ,other fans were saying that there is a big differen between performing for audiences and just dancing yourself.
Personally I think they should have wear what they were wearing that day and make sure they get someone to teach them how to dance ,they are not dancers professionally and that’s something that the public doesnt want to understand.
Shine girl, let haters hate you while you make it in life .