Steve Harvey knows how to dress fashionably, see pictures

There’s a saying that says “You are as old as you feel” and 64-year-old American entertainer, Steve Harvey is no exception. His fashion sense is catchy for a man his age. Steve Harvey had a makeover last year in which he had a stylist from Paris in charge of his wardrobe. Thumbs up to Elly Karamoh we love uncle Steve’s look.

In this article, I will show you 7 times that Steve Harvey pulled off fashionable looks.







Steve Harvey looked easy in his White shirt, Knitwear sweater, black straight-leg pants, and ankle boots.

Taking a break from suits and ties, Steve Harvey went hard on a Loverboy look with his steezy pants and white leather jacket.

Sometimes colour defines the mood, Harvey had a good day going here. Nothing brightens the day better than some Lime.

Men wearing pink became an “It” thing and uncle Steve redefined masculinity in a dressing code.

Many will argue that wearing All Black is depressing and suggest a negative mood. How did Harvey pull it off? Is it his white teeth?

Nothing to drag about this outfit. Steve Harvey pulled off a catchy look in his yoga pants and managed to look classy as usual.