South Africans React After They Saw This Video Of Dr Malinga On Social Media

The Covid19 pandemic has caused a lot of things and one of them was making it hard for the artist to make a living. This is so because as a country we found ourselves having to be in a hard lockdown and artists could not do anything at that time. Many of them found another way they can try to make money and they resorted to online. But it was not everybody was able to do that. Even the kind of relief from the government was not received by all of the artists, and even those who got the money, it was not much to go by.
Dr Malinga TikTok video left many people with shock.



Many artists are now making use of TikTok as their alternative way of making money because life continues and they need to put food on the table. But it looks like things are not looking good for some artists. The music industry is just one of those industries that have struggled a lot. Now there is a video that has emerged on social media where it can be seen that Dr. Malinga is dancing. We all know the Dr. Malinga dance and it used to be fun at first. However, things have changed now and it looks like the people no longer relate to that. It is time for a change.

Should he just accept the situation and not try to get back on his feet?

Many people had a lot to say about this TikTok video that Malinga made. Many are not happy and they are even saying that they are embarrassed on his behalf because of the way he was dancing in that video. They are saying that he needs to learn to accept the situation. Some are even saying that he must just swallow the pride and go apply for the R350 grant because what he is doing is so embarrassing. Those who are coming from Hammaskraal are even more embarrassed. Maybe this is where that 2 million meant for the huge flag can be used to help artists like him. We know that it is not just him. They are many and some of them are just not exposing themselves like Malinga is.