South Africans expose Faith Mangope after she posted this picture of herself

A picture of Faith Mangope is doing the round on social media after she posted it. The picture was made for people to believe that when she is back at home, she does what is being done there and even her family does not care whether she is on TV or otherwise. She made it look like she was cooking with a three feet pot in the wood fire.

Faith Mangope is a young intellectual and captivating broadcast professional. She is currently the insert producer, current affairs analyst, field reporter, and presenter at the breakfast show, Sunrise. She also has her talk show on South Africa’s YFM, a youth-focused radio station based in Johannesburg.


“My family doesn’t care that I’m on radio and tv”

However, the picture that was posted did not fool many people because there were just so many discrepancies on that picture that just showed that she was not cooking for real but she was only making content. This is because one can see that the cooking was done and dusted a long time ago as you can see that there is no even fire there. One other giveaway is that she is holding the lid of the pot on the other hand while using the other hand to stir the food, and when cooking a big pot like that one, there is just no way you can do that especially for someone like her who might not be used to this kind of settings. South Africans saw right through her tricks.