South Africans can learn a thing or two from the Ferguson’s

Living as people who are well known and followed by thousands of people over social media platforms, its important for celebrities to always have ways to protect their own peace.

The fergusons are one of the most well known couples of South Africa which many people admire and look up to. They are both actors, business people who have a production company too.

Besides their well known Soapie “The Queen” that plays on DSTV channel 161, and other many soapies they have produced, the Ferguson’s have recently shown their followers of the series “Kings of Joburg” which will be premiered on Netflix at the beginning of the month of December 2020.

The couple having bagged a sit in the Netflix table shows that they are achieving greater thing in their production film industry, Nevertheless some of their follows have critized the new series over the trialer that shona posted on his Instagram.

That didn’t come as a new thing to the Ferguson’s as they know that it always happens and have learnt to block any negative energy that people may try to throw their way.

Shona Ferguson said that his level of inner peace is so dangerous to a point that when you step on his wrong toe you are gone.His wife Connie supported him saying that she works exactly the same way like his man does by cutting off negative people.

“It’s time to clean house, your life that is. Clear out your contact list. If they only call you when they need something, delete. Remove yourself from people who are constantly talking about others. #Bommaleakage #Gossipers. Unfollow all these negative people with professional, hater degrees, then block all these energy vampires. Stop the victim mentality. Your life, your responsibility. No on owes you anything. Now that the slate is clean, FOCUS! Start over now or live to regret it. Positive mind, positive life. Uncle Sho.”

Its important for people to learn this strategy for the sake of their own peace of mind. Some people are always ready to critize and discourage people’s hard work but one has to learn to cut off and unfollow anyone who doesn’t bring any positive attitude to the table.

Its okay to cut off people who are always ready to look for the wrong in every situation.

“A rumor is a social cancer: it is difficult to contain and it rots the brains of the masses. However, the real danger is that so many people find rumors enjoyable. That part causes the infection. And in such cases when a rumor is only partially made of truth, it is difficult to pinpoint exactly where the information may have gone wrong.” Shona shared Criss Jami quote.

Learn from this couple and keep up the hardwork with positivity only.