Sophie Lechaba is at again killing the slaying game and recovery well

She has been through a lot and her husband is very much supportive. She is suffering from sugar diabetes ,she has been in and out of hospital for some time now. People have been making jokes about her condition and she was depressed. She went through hell and her condition has cost her a fortune.Although people are saying negative things about her condition. She is a strong woman, she is getting better everyday. Sugar diabetes is a very serious disease. People are making jokes about it but it is real and dangerous. She has been going to hospital because of one problem after the other.She is very lucky to have a man like Max. Her husband is always there for her. People have been saying negative things about his wife but he does not care. He is always supporting her to conquer the disease. He is helping her to be better. He is not judgemental. If it was someone he will have been gone by now. True love still exists.