Hastings Moengs has escalated the fight with Somizi and his team by serving them with a summons for allegedly stealing his idea; Dinner At Somizi’. He believes the cooking show is his brainchild.
This means that Mzansi might not get to see season 2 of Dinner At Somizi’s as Moeng is not backing down without a fight. Moeng demands compensation as well as an additional 15% interest for Somizi’s cooking show, he wants to be contracted for the upcoming seasons of Dinner At Somizi’s and also to deem their verbal contract which was made in 2013 as valid.
Author Eusebius McKaiser posted on Twitter:
“Somizi Mhlongo, Barleader TV & Multichoice have had summons served today on behalf of Hastings Moeng seeking reasonable compensation plus 15% interest as the alleged originator of the concept Dinner With Somizi.
Moeng wants the court to declare his verbal contract as valid & binding (supported by email evidence that it exists); wants the court to declare the concept underpinning Somizi’s show as Moeng’s brainchild & wants the court to direct “reasonable compensation” to be given to Moeng plus rights to contract future seasons etc.
On 28 July 2014, Hastings Moeng proposed DinnerAT Somizi’s to Somizi & Themba. The description of the show is materially similar to the one now flighted (to the shock of Mr. Moeng),”
Somizi has come under fire for denying the allegations, then later admitting to having a conversation with Moeng. Somizi said he did not receive an email from Hastings, and he also said he does not open his own emails.
“I only spoke to him once. I think it was in 2013, not 2014. He told me he wants us to do a cooking show (called) “Dinner with Somizi,” or something like that. But I have never seen any documents.”