Someone wrote having babies before marriage cause break ups Rihanna becomes an example

There’s been a serious concern as people have been asking themselves why is it that when a woman falls pregnant she breaks up with her partner or after the baby is born baby mama and baby daddy they break up. This has been a question from many people as they wanted to know.


But as we know that people will have different opinions when it comes to such topics. Some people would say it’s a curse having a baby in most cases babies bring bad luck that’s why you will find that people break up after having a child. But if it’s a curse why don’t people get cleansed, that is why people didn’t believe it.

But after all those questions someone came up with an answer making Rihanna’s relationship as an example below is what was shared on social media please read:

As people we have different opinions and we are entitled to our own opinion, someone can write something and that doesn’t mean people will agree with what you are saying. After reading what was written in this passage people were fuming with anger, it felt like the person who wrote this was degrading people who are not married.

And that didn’t sit well with a lot of people because the majority of them are not married and it looks like they are single parents. These kinds of topics are sensitive and it’s not everyday people agree with you instead, they will be a lot of disagreement.

Someone even wrote that what Tokozani wrote is not true saying having babies out of marriage makes people break up because even married people do break up. There is still a high population of divorced people who were, and their marriage didn’t save that relationship. So what he’s saying doesn’t make sense at all according to people on social media.

But in my opinion, a lot of relationships end because people lack communication, and they can’t stay faithful in their relationship. And other people end up bringing kids in a relationship whilst they are not ready, and then a lot of things change like topics and things they used to do together. Things don’t have to change after having a child the way you were doing things do them, some will change but it doesn’t have to change completely so.