So today I went to pavilion because I just needed some time out because I didn’t have a great morning.

So today I went to pavilion because I just needed some time out because I didn’t have a great morning.
As I was about to leave, a boy came up to me and asked me to buy him school shoes. I was skeptical in the beginning and I asked him where his mom is and he told me she left them years ago with their granny. I called the granny and she confirmed. I still wasn’t convinced, so I asked him which school he goes to and he said we can go straight to the principal and he will confirm that he was given money by him to come and ask for donations for school shoes.
I decided to buy the shoes and I just randomly asked if he needs anything else, his school pants were torn and his shirt was too small for him. He just asked for maize meal 🥹 at that point I knew he wasn’t lying.
We got to checkers and there were so many things he didn’t even know existed 😭 I tried to get as much as I can because I didn’t have time. We drove him back home and he was so happy.
I forgot to ask his name so when we got to his house his granny asked me my name and surname and I told her I’m Ayanda Mkhize, to my surprise the boys surname was also Mkhize. I told her a bit about my life and how I know how hard things can be and life can change.
He said he wants to be an electrical engineer and wants to study in Mangosuthu and I swear I’m going to make it happen for him, when ever you get a chance to help please please do it, no matter how little it is, the world needs so much kindness❤️