So sad Duduzile Zuma breaks down

Even the world’s dangerous killer can be a hero to his own family that’s what most people fail to understand. Even if Zuma is the most corrupt leader to his children he is still their best dad hence your feelings towards him will definitely be different from how his kids feel about it. At this point and time some may rejoice that he is in jail, other’s may be angry about Didi’s tweet saying she is instigating violence.




Let’s stop and try to walk in her shoes for a while. We can not deny the fact that Duduzile and her father shares a strong bond together. No daughter, son , wife would wish for their father to be in prison. Anyone with feelings would do anything humanly possible to see that their father is out of jail. This what Duduzile Zuma has been doing she might be doing it the wrong way but right she is blinded by the love and yearning she has for her father.

Honestly l salute Duduzile apart from all the hate she has been getting she has remained strong and standing by her father’s side. Any parent would be proud to have a daughter like. Despite her resilience spirit she is human after all and she has for the first time broken down. She took to her twitter account and shared how she misse’s her father.

If we are to go through her tweets we will see she is never this emotional just shows how much her father means to her. Instead of understanding her pain some decided to insult her. Let’s not trade our humanity for hate. I just hope Duduzile soldiers on standing by her father and not give up.