Sneziey Msomi’s Husband Allegedly Set Ex Partner’s House On Fire

When we find love, we all hope that it’s real/true and forever, we hope that our partner has no skeletons in the closet which might come up in the near future and most probably blow up in both our faces.

In 2021 Idols SA star Sneziey Msomi was officially taken off the streets by Zolani Vusani, the union was just as beautiful and the glow on Sneziey’s face was breathtaking.




Their happy ever after turned into a happy never after as shocking allegations against Zolani have surfaced.

A facebook user who is allegedly related to Zolani’s former partner took to Facebook to seek help and ask for fellow facebookers to help her find Zolani, she stated that Zolani set the mother of his children’s house ablaze.

It is no surprise that once a scoop makes it to social media you’re doomed, fans and fellow tweeps are now calling for Zolani to be arrested.

We have to say that the kind of person that Zolani is contradicts what Sneziey stands for as these are not the first incriminating accusations which made it to the public eye.

Last year he was accused of scamming people on the contrary this is not how Sneziey views her spouse as on one of her instagram posts, she shared that being with Zolani has really taught her that people will act right for who they want to act right for, she’s right! He is definitely not acting right for anyone else except her.

Tweeps have shared several tweets warning Sneziey against Zolani as it rumoured that he has multiple babies on the way and is definitely not acting right.