Sneziey Msomi leaves her fans speechless with recent picture with her husband.

Distance makes the heart grow founder. This is saying that many people in long distance relationships have lived by. It is has taken them through difficult times. There’s no feeling that compares to seeing your partner after spending time away from from. It makes one to appreciate their partner.





It is not an easy thing to do and it needs one to be emotional strong and capable. Sneziey Msomi is a former contestant of Idols SA. She’s one of the stars that took their fame and ran with it. She’s now amongst the best gospel singers in the country.

She’s a happily married woman who is loved and supported. She spent a few months in the UK away from her family. She’s now back and shared a beautiful moment between her and her husband. In her caption she reveals that she’s happy to be with her husband. She must’ve missed him so much.