Sneziey Msomi leaves her fans gushing over her in recent pictures.

Be a mother is everything. Mothers are able to do so much while pregnant and even after giving birth. They do so much for their families and that earns them to be appreciated. But being a mother doesn’t mean that one stops living, in fact that is when life starts.

That’s why mothers make sure to look their absolute best after giving birth. Proving that you can’t look like your problems. Former Idols contestant Sneziey Msomi has made a name for herself in the industry as a gospel singer and model. She recently welcomed her first child and she seems to be enjoying her new role.





Just like all the super mothers she has bounced back and she looks amazing. She shared pictures of herself in a jumpsuite looking amazing. Showing her fans that the model in her is still there. Inspiring mothers that they can look good even after given birth.