Skhaleni from Isibaya best beautiful pictures

As Sipho Zakhele on Heartlines and as Tobias ‘Skhaleni’ on Isibaya, he’s best known as Zakhele Mabasa. Zakhele was well known actual on Isibaya as a taxi driver for Zungu family as Skhaleni Mngomezulu.

Zakhele Mabasa was born on July 11th, 1976 to a white mother and a black father. Zakhele Mabasa will be 45 when the year 2021 begins.

Zakhele Mabasa spend most of years of his career on Isibaya soap opera that ended on 03 April 2021, with 8 number of seasons and 2,028 episodes. Zakhele have been with his wife for more than 10 years. The actor is more private when it comes to his personal life, as we can’t mention his childrens if he have.

Check out Zakhele Mabasa beautiful pictures the actor is living a simple life. Don’t forget to like and comment below. And also mention your favorite actor picture between these one’s. Enjoy