SkeemSaam:Is Lehasa Going To Jail? See What’s Going To Happen To Him

Lehasa’s life is beginning to be muddled subsequent to hearing that her preliminary will be beginning on Monday and he begins to expect that he could return to jail, on account of the things that he has done previously and furthermore killing Fanie.







Yet, the entire Maphosa faction is at serious gamble since they could lose all that they buckled down for in the previous years, on account of reality that could come out that they are not South Africans.

It will be a chaotic week for Lehasa in light of the fact that her foes are assembled to cut him down. All things considered, he had fouled up things in the past which has caused serious agony in the existence of many individuals.

The main opportunity that he needs to do presently is to come clean with Leeto so he can think of an arrangement to save him since his falsehoods could cause him problems.