Since he became a manager of Cafe Revowa he is turning into something else. His desperassion is turning him into something else. He has become more dangerous. He started as a waiter and he was working for Lehasa. He is an IT student and he is good about hacking computers. That is the reason why Lehasa hired him.
He was then appointed as a manager since Sfiso was going on a leave. He then became greedy and desperate. He does not want to start small but he wants to go for bigger fish. He wants to buy the restaurant but he does not have money to do so. He then partnered with Kgosi who is the new Chef. Kgosi is too clever. He saw how Fanie is to desperate of cash and he used it as an advantage. Fanie and Kgosi started to trade and sell abalone illegally. They are making a lot of money out of it. Firstly Francois found them and they wanted to Kill him. They even went ahead and threaten him. Then it was
and he was bitten on a head and he was on comma. Now is Cindy who found them.Cindy was rescued by Sakhile. Fanie went to Lehasa and lie about everything. Lehasa believed him over Cindy and if Lehasa finds out the truth he is going to send him to jail without thinking twice. He is playing with fire. He has 3 people against him. He is going to jail and those two people will testify everything.