Skeem Saam:Katlego Knew About Pretty’s pregnancy

Right now Pretty is pregnant and she is extremely stressed, Because she would not like to be pregnant, Pretty will acknowledge how manipulative Eunice could be, Because she is the person who offered her to Lehasa Maphosa, Remember Pretty was not keen on Lehasa Maphosa on the grounds that she realizes very well that she has a beau Katlego, Eunice likewise knew, But she conceded Fanie Maserumule to make her Sabotage her companion.







Pretty Seakamela went Johannesburg to invigorate her psyche and Eunice was the solitary companion that she could go to,but Eunice neglected to prompt her the second she needs her the most, Eunice likewise realizes that Lehasa Maphosa was bad but rather she sold pretty out, pretty Seakamela was additionally worried and Lehasa Maphosa exploited with her.

Pretty Seakamela understood that she did an immense slip-up the second Thabo, Kwaito and Katlego came to beat Lehasa Maphosa in his own home, Lehasa Maphosa was utilizing Pretty and Pretty didn’t know, How could he keeps her in his home for quite a while until her family stressed over her.

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