Skeem Saam Mosebjadi told Lewatle about her crush on Zamokuhle

The grade 8 learners were in class talking about how they were going to celebrate their holidays. When Lewatle heard that Paxton was going to Joburg to spend his holidays there, she was disappointed. She told Mosebjadi that she was looking foward to spend the upcoming holidays with him.Mosebjadi told Lewatle that she shouldn’t have had high hopes to spend holidays with Paxton because Paxton has a girlfriend in Joburg. Lewatle told her that she doesn’t understand her situation.Mosebjadi told Lewatle that she understands her situation because it is better. “You are better because your crush is going to Joburg temporary unlike me, my crush is going away forever.” Said Mosebjadi.




Lewatle couldn’t believe it. She quickly realized that Mosebjadi told her about her crush on Zamokuhle. She knows very well that Zamokuhle does not have an interest in her but she still continues to fantasize about him.