Skeem Saam: Lehasa’s Crush Came To Avenge Someone Lehasa Crossed In The Past

Fans of Skeem Saam are still reeling at the death of Fanie Maserumula in the instructional drama. The man became too big for his shoes and attempted to blackmail Lehasa Maphosa, but he wouldn’t let him possess Café Rovhuwa just like that, so he committed suicide.



Emkay entered the scene and attempted to expose him, but his efforts failed miserably. Maphosa assisted people in disposing of evidence, and the case was swept under the rug.

But it’s not all doom and gloom. Viewers believe that there is hope for Fanie to get the justice he deserves after the appearance of a young businesswoman named Nothile Mavimbela, whom Lehasa is head over heels about.

Nothile has been sent by the Maserumula ancestors to avenge their son’s death, according to Lehasa’s hallucinations about his former employee. To be honest, this theory does not appear to be implausible. When Maphosa has tried to jump into a relationship headfirst in the past, he has always been burned. We’ve all heard about Lelo stealing half of his fortune and, more recently, Pretty.

He is completely unaware that a child is on the way. Morning sickness and mood swings have been a problem for his ex, who has told Eunice about it. She suggested that she purchase a pregnancy test and use it the next morning. Two tests came back positive after she followed her friend’s advice. She didn’t want to believe it might be true, so she went to the doctor for a more thorough examination.

Sadly, Pretty’s test came back positive again, despite the fact that she had just started Varsity. The news has devastated her, and she feels as if her entire world has been flipped upside down.

Following up on last week’s edition of Drink or Tell the Truth with Lasizwe, Norma interviews Cedric Fourie about his personal life.

“Do you want to hear from the people we’ve worked with in the industry? Who is the one person with whom you would never want to work again, and why?” she enquired.

Lasizwe replied he wouldn’t want to work with Cedric Fourie in response to her question. In the past, the two were very good friends. Lasizwe claims that he has learned to keep his pals separate.

“Cedric! I’m not interested in working with Cedric again. Cedric and I were good friends, and we got along swimmingly. The reason I’m not interested in working with him again What I believe I went wrong was when I began mingling people with him. That is why you should never combine your buddies in real life. Because there’s a reason they’re friends with you. That one accomplishes a specific goal, and that one accomplishes a specific goal. That should never be mixed. ” He became more open.