Skeem Saam: Lehasa might reveal his secrets on the phone and Peterson catches him see Why

Lehasa might reveal his secrets and Peterson catches him, because currently Peterson hacked Khwezikwazi’s phone so that he can listen to everything Khwezi is saying, and if it happens that Lehasa Maphosa speak to Khwezikwazi about any of his secrets on the phone, Peterson catches him.



Peterson noticed that Khwezikwazi does not want to reveal secrets about Lehasa Maphosa, so he decided to take plan B,and his plan B might work for him because Khwezikwazi and Lehasa Maphosa are not aware that he hacked Khwezikwazi’s phone so Lehasa Maphosa might discuss anything with Khwezikwazi thinking that nobody will know l, actually now Peterson is near to find the truth because her targeted both or them.

Peterson is very clever because he made Lehasa Maphosa not to trust Khwezikwazi, so that he could use opportunity to destroy him, and now Lehasa thinking that Khwezikwazi is working with Peterson.