Lehasa Maphosa might lose Nothile because she already knows what kind of person Lehasa Maphosa it is, pretty exposed him to Nothile and she to Nothile about the promises she made to her, Nothile is very disappointed about Lehasa Maphosa,and Lehasa Maphosa didn’t know what to say to Nothile to stop her not to go.
Nothile will regret because her friend warn her about Lehasa Maphosa but she didn’t listen, Lehasa mad it easy to make Nothile to believe him, remember Nothile promised her friend that she will take things easy with Lehasa Maphosa, but she finds herself In lehasa’s bed believe that she is the only womans.
Lehasa Maphosa will regret to allow pretty in his life because now he was thinking that he found the lady of his dreams,and he was already staying with her,and Lehasa was very serious about Nothile since he was single.
Nothile will believe that Lehasa is a player,the way things