Skeem Saam| Lehasa leaves Khwezi’s hand and he holds Pretty’s hand, Khwezi left embarrassed

Lehasa is loving Pretty out loud

Lehasa keeps on making it clear to Khwezi that they are not in a relationship but Khwezi is not ready to give up on her baby’s father. When they arrived to court, Khwezi quickly holds Lehasa hand closely to her but Lehasa was not having it.


Even Pretty look shocked about what Khwezi was doing. Lehasa quickly swaps Khwezi’s hand and holds Pretty. Khwezi was very embarrassed and checked if people were looking at her. Khwezi is doing all this to win Lehasa and show the public that she is having a baby with him.

I think Lehasa should just stop coming with Lehasa using one car. Khwezi should arrive with Phomolo because they get along very well. Next time Khwezi will pull up a very surprising stunt in the public, that is why they should avoid it now. Khwezi should know her place.