In most cases, people believe that attachment is the most important factor in determining Pretty, and Lehasa exemplifies this. At the farewell party for the new restaurant, the most popular couple was Pretty and Lehasa. Pretty has brought love and rapture into Lehasa’s life, which he has not experienced for a very long time at all.
After all the hoopla, they finally get to settle in and start contributing to their successful new venture.
The general consensus among the patrons was that Pretty and Lehasa were the most endearing members of the establishment. Permit us to assume that Pretty does not become confused during the course of the story, taking into consideration the fact that Lehasa actually has more problems to deal with as time goes on.
To speak for myself, I would say that I am pleased to learn that Lehasa is making an effort to mend fences with Pretty. This is because, from my perspective, it shows that she cares about her friend. Since they are already in the same location, the most compelling thing for them to do is to get ready to organize their life and put everything in its proper place.
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