Skeem Saam | Jacobeth finally apologizes to her daughter for the ill treatment

Jacobeth sit down with her daughter

Jacobeth now can see all her mistakes and she takes this time to apologize to her daughter. Lizzy tells her mother what she has been through and how she was abducted. Jacobeth is really sincere about her apology, because she can see that she put her daughter in a lot of pressure.



Jacobeth is lucky to have a daughter like Lizzy even after what she has put her through, she was able to stand with her mother and come back home. Jacobeth owes her daughter a lot now she can see how much damage she has done to her.

Now Jacobeth has to face the world and apologize to everyone that she looked down on. All those people, her former colleagues and friends deserves an apology. Jacobeth will now be able to start afresh next year, but she will broke and unemployed.