Sizwe Dhlomo Left People In Stitches After This Was Noticed On His Photo With Black Coffee.

A photo of South African male icons Black Coffee and Sizwe Dhlomo surfaced on social media and left people talking on the comments section after they noticed something else.


One thing people noticed about Sizwe Dlamini in comparison to others was his attire. As we can see on the below post, he is wearing simple shorts, ordinary flip flops, and a t-shirt, leading everyone to conclude that given the fact that he is a wealthy man, his attire shows that he is a simple and down to earth person despite the money he makes.

Some, however, continued to claim that he is not genuinely down to earth but merely lacks fashion sense.

An individual by the user name of ” @ mashesha ” felt the need to share this sight with the people on social media and captioned it ” Sizwe Dhlomo is one G, down to Earth