Siyabonga Set The Records Straight On Allegedly Being “Fired” From Uzalo

Reports emerged recently that Dawn Thandeka King and Siyabonga have a dark cloud hanging over their heads, as they are no longer in good books with the producers, but Siyabonga has rubbished the reports.
In an Instagram post, he said he has received several calls from people wanting to find out whether he has been given the boot from the prime-time soapie or not, but he felt the need to address it.He wrote “I have been ignoring the issue for too long now, I want to put it on record that me and my producers are in a good space and there was never any fights for whatever reason. We are concentrating on delivering a good product for @mzansi_fosho since this covid19 has affected many. Such reporting affects many my family, my fans, fans of Uzalo family. I repeat I have never fought with anyone and I have not been booted out as some reporting claim.”Instagram embed

Dawn Thandeka King replied and said, “Yazi ngempela sekwanele, this is really tiring, can it stop now, can it really stop. It’s enough.”

Isolezwe recently reported that Thulani Shange and Sizwe Khumbuza have allegedly been shown the door from the soapie also.