Sithelo Takes A Dig At Shauwn Mkhize And Andile

The birthday of DJ Sithelo Shozi’s kid is today, and she requests that no one send her any negative energy in honour of the occasion. She has made it quite obvious that her daughter does not have a father or any other extended family members unless it can be demonstrated otherwise. This comes after Shauwn Mkhize and Andile Mpisane congratulated Likuwe Mpisane on her first birthday and posted a cute video to accompany her birthday greeting on social media.

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In honour of Baby Coco’s first birthday, which is today, viewers were treated to an unobstructed look at her adorable face for the first time. Shauwn Mkhize sent her granddaughter her birthday wishes and wished her a happy birthday “Dear Baby Coco, May the Lord bless you and keep you safe in all that you do throughout your life. My hope is that you will grow up to be a healthy, powerful, and proud Zulu princess, and that you will always be free to explore the world around you. You should know that your family will always adore you no matter what. We wish Coco a happy first birthday! I count it a blessing to be my girls’ Glammy.” Andile Mpisane also shared the same video that his mother did, stating that Coco is his daughter and wishing her a happy birthday with the caption “Happy birthday, coco, my lovely daughter.”


However, he disabled the ability for anyone to comment on the post. But all of this failed to impress Sithelo, so she went on Instagram to declare that her daughter does not have a father or any other members of her extended family unless it is specifically stated otherwise. “Until it can be shown differently, I will treat it as though my kid does not have a father or any other extended family members. This day is entirely for her, and I want to express my gratitude to God for gifting me with her and entrusting her to me. Because of everything that has happened this year, even a small act of compassion would be greatly appreciated at this time.

I beg you to refrain from drawing any sensationalist conclusions from any of the surrounding information “— I quote her. This comes as a result of reports that were published in Sunday World, which stated that Andile Mpisane is purportedly questioning the paternity of both of his children with Sithelo. A letter requesting a paternity test was delivered to Sithelo on behalf of Andile by his legal representatives.

“Our client has recently requested that you both take paternity tests in respect of Baby Flo and Baby Coco to lay to rest the old rumours of infidelity on your part during the time when the kids were conceived, and instead of addressing our client’s genuine request, you opted to divert attention from the real issues at hand by throwing up allegations of abuse against our client,” “Our client has recently requested that you both take paternity tests in respect of Baby Flo and Baby Coco to lay to rest the old rumours