Sithelo Shozi says her bank account is empty after trip to turkey for BBL

Sithelo Shozi posted a small video clip to her Instagram stories which said that her bank account right now is empty. This could be because Sithelo shozi just got back from Turkey where she had a full BBL and did her teeth. It’s no surprise because cosmetic surgery can be very expensive and the plane tickets to go to turkey and back are also costly. The recovery process is also very long and painful which means that Sithelo Shozi wouldn’t be able to work for a few weeks. This could be why she says her bank account is empty.





Sithelo Shozi is a mother to three children two of which are from MamKhize’s son, Andile Mpisane. Well we hope that Sithelo Shozi heals quick and is able to get some gigs.

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