On their Instagram Timeline, Popcorn Room, Maphephandaba posted a photo of Sithelo Shozi and gushed over the R750 000 outfit she was wearing. A large number of people came to the post and presented her with flowers in recognition of her status as the slay queen of the moment. On the other hand, a member of Sithole’s immediate family went on the post and dropped a bomb, which captured the attention of Mzansi. Sithelo Shozi made the following observation in response to Maphephandaba:
The mother of Sithelo Shozi is living poverty life in her rented two-room house in KwaZulu Natal, which she has purchased for herself.
Sithelo Shozi played a cruel joke by fleeing the province of KwaZulu with her mother. Natal
Mzansi commented on the post and made fun of Sithelo for wearing expensively designed clothes despite the fact that her mother has a hard time making ends meet. Mzansi were upset with the murdering mother of two children because she did not take care of her mother, so her supporters came to her defense.
Fans of Sithelo were curious as to whether or not the individual who claimed to be one of Sithelo’s relatives was actually related to her or was being paid by haters to smear her reputation. It is not clear whether the alleged members of Sithelo’s close family are telling the truth or whether they are engaged in a plot to eliminate Sithelo.
Sithelo Shozi in trouble for allegedly abandoning her mother
Recent cosmetic procedures that Sithelo Shozi has had include dental work, liposuction, a Brazilian butt lift, and enhancements to her chest region that were accentuated by an R1.4 million whip. She was targeted by inquisitive trolls who suggested that MaMkhize was funding her mysteriously expensive lifestyle in order to bribe her to bury the abuse allegations made against Andile Mpisane.Sithelo denied the allegations that MaMkhize had given her a payout of R20 million and claimed that she had earned the right to live a lavish lifestyle through the result of her own hard work.
I have protected both myself and the truth by remaining silent and allowing my attorneys to handle the situation to the greatest extent possible. The date of the order is the 31st of October, as was mentioned earlier, and I am unwavering in everything that I have said. Nothing has changed. Gender-based violence is a serious problem in this country, and nobody or no amount of bribes could have undone the damage that was caused by the perpetrator. In response to your inquiry, the answer is no.
Her continued legal action against Sithelo and the Mpisane family for gender-based violence ensures that the conflict against them will continue to rage. According to Sithelo, the date of their court case is getting closer, and she is ready to battle them right up until the day that justice is done.