Singer Loyiso Bala invited for cricket awards

ell known singer Loyiso Bala is set to be the main guest at the Jendamark United Awards.

Jendamark is a cricket club based in the Eastern Cape. Bala on the other hand is also the Umhlobo Wenene and TruFM business manager.






“Our club cel­eb­rates being known as a world-class com­munity-based sports organ­isa­tion — provid­ing a win­dow of equal oppor­tun­ity for all races, reli­gions and genders to excel at all levels of cricket,” Jen­dam­ark United Cricket Club pres­id­ent Ger­ald Majola said.

Majola, the former chief exec­ut­ive of Cricket SA, said this was pos­sible through good gov­ernance, hol­istic coach­ing and a focus on the rehab­il­it­a­tion of play­ers.

The club will cap a host of play­ers who were part of the East­ern Cape Regional Senior Ladies T20 League and EP Senior Ladies T20 League win­ning sides.

Jen­dam­ark United men’s teams, com­pet­ing in the premier league, also raked in impress­ive sil­ver­ware dur­ing the past sev­eral sea­sons.

“This pos­i­tions [the men’s sides] in the top six T20 clubs in the coun­try, an excep­tional achieve­ment for any club from the town­ship,” Majola said.

“The club fur­ther cel­eb­rates main­tain­ing our Blue Flag Status awar­ded in 2019.”

Cricket SA awards clubs “Blue Flag Status for Clubs” to recog­nise an effect­ive cricket pipeline struc­ture.

The cri­teria includes admin­is­tra­tion cap­ab­il­it­ies, adequate facil­it­ies, a min­imum num­ber of teams and suit­ably qual­i­fied coaches.

Affil­i­ate registered clubs com­plete the club qual­ity index (CQI) admin­is­trat­ive selfe­valu­ation instru­ment to achieve the status.

To date, only 34 clubs in the coun­try have been awar­ded the status.