Simphiwe Dana Turns 41 Today! Many more years Queen

Post main imageBorn on 23 January 1980, Simphiwe Dana is a Xhosa singer, songwriter and record producer. Dana’s father was a preacher and her religious background exposed her to music in both choral and gospel forms.

Regarded as the “new Miriam Makeba,” Simphiwe Dana’s inimitable combination of Jazz, Afro-soul, Rap and Traditional music, has made her a major star on the music scene.

Back in 2002, she began her career by singing in small clubs in Johannesburg, where she drew huge crowds.

Dana is also popular for her innovative social commentary and crusading through music as a political art form.

Simphiwe Dana’s Zandisile album was a mega hit in South Africa when it released in 2004. The album sold exceptionally well and garnered several awards, including the South African Music Award (SAMA) in 2005. The worldwide release of Simphiwe Dana’s Zandisile hit the Billboard charts and she won an AVO Session Basel Award.
Simphiwe Dana took the Minister of Sports, Arts and Culture, Nathi Mthethwa to task recently saying he is ineffective as a minister. Dana said that artists are fraught to make ends meet since lockdown was declared.

Minister Nathi proclaimed that he would be apportioning R150 million to the entertainment industry towards relief. Many artists who applied for the COVID-19 relief fund did not get approved and were forced to resort to alternatives to survive.
Not one to shy away from endorsing her opinion, Simphiwe said:

“I’m finally understanding we have a useless minister of arts and culture! I tried, because I love him, and I love you! But I owe you the truth. I know what this means for me in government. I still wish they will be kind.”

Read the full story here

Simphiwe Dana excited about being vaccinated for Covid-19

The excitement over the COVID-19 was dampened when Chief Justice Mogoeng Mogoeng in a viral video of him praying on the vaccine had South African in a bind.

The Chief Justice prayed that he will only welcome the vaccine ‘if it does not contain the spirit of the devil in it.’

Our favorite candid entertainer, Simphiwe Dana made it clear that if there is one thing she will not allow is for the vaccine to miss her. She took to social media to express her disapproval of Chief Justice Mogoeng Mogoeng: