Should Kelly Khumalo sue Jubjub for defamation of character?

Jubjub has been invited to MacG’s podcast and he tells it all about his former girlfriend Kelly Khumalo. Jubjub has a baby boy with Kelly Khumalo who she does not want Jubjub to have a relationship with. Jubjub has confirmed to MacG that Kelly Khumalo uses Muti, that is why everyone she has a romantic relationship dies afterwards. It is clear that Jubjub knows more about Kelly Khumalo more than anybody else in South Africa. Jubjub did not provide any evidence to these allegations that he makes against Kelly Khumalo.




I think Kelly Khumalo has a right to sue Jubjub for defamation of character. These allegations will destroy Kelly’s name to the public and it is also possible for her to lose her career because of what Jubjub tells the public. Their relationship may have not ended very well but still he does not have a right to talk about her like that to the public. Kelly Khumalo is a traditional healer and using traditional herbs is a normal thing for her. If Jubjub decides to destroy Kelly Khumalo’s career who is the mother of his child, he also put his son into the risk of not getting provided by his mother.

In my opinion i think Jubjub should stop talking about other people’s businesses just to be famous and getting loved by the South Africans, he wants people to love him for telling other people’s business. Jubjub claims that he got every South African celebrity’s files on them. Why would he be interested in other people’s business because he is definitely not a journalist? Kelly Khumalo should sue him because what he is doing is really not acceptable. They should also fix the relationship they have with each other for the sake of their child.