“Shona Ferguson was too good for this earth” ~ Mzansi reacts to the Late Shona’s birthday tribute.

The Late Shona Ferguson loved his wife very dearly and loudly so. June 10 was Connie Ferguson’s birthday, and a lot of birthday wishes from different people came pouring in. But the one birthday wish that really took the cup was the one from her late husband. Connie shared a video of her late husband wishing her a happy birthday. Not only did it make viewers share tears the couple was also seen tearing up on the video.

Watch video here: https://twitter.com/Sassy_KayT/status/1535145119074205697?t=xn4APaCPsV1GwSxCVwNM3w&s=08

The Late Shona Ferguson passed on last year due to complications that are only known to the family, as a result that it was never really disclosed. Not only did his death affect the family only but the whole country was deeply affected in this regard.

Ironically, Shona Ferguson on the video mentioned that he couldn’t even imagine life without his wife and now Connie is living that exact life without her husband. Even in death it’s safe to say Connie still shows her undying love for her husband. Considering the memories she is still sharing of their love on Instagram.

Public’s opinion:

Shona was indeed committed to his wife, his love was genuine and real. We can only imagine the type of love the kids have received throughout their years with their father. It is not fair that out of the blue all of that could be taken away with only the blink of an eye. Their love looked so effortlessly genuine.





Sreenshot: Twitter

However our African Brothers are not convinced that a person could love someone so effortlessly and genuine. They instead assume that men do that only if they are under the influence.

Author’s Opinion:

Imagine being loved to loudly like this, only for your significant other to be taken away from you is absolute pain. I love that Shona and Connie documented a lot of their happy moments, even though he’s no more, it’s immortalised and whenever she misses him, she has more than just her memories to fall back on.