She is taken! Buhle Samuel’s traditional wedding pictures flood social media

Buhle Samuels is off the market! The internet is buzzing with traditional wedding snapshots of the controversial actress. It was Musa Khawula who spilled the beans, and you might remember Buhle as the sizzling Matshidiso Mofokeng from Muvhango.

Despite her massive Muvhango following, she left the show under mysterious clouds. Gossips said she had a diva attitude, but she shrugged those rumors off.Now,

Mzansi is going wild trying to guess who the lucky groom is. Wiseman Mncube from Uzalo was thrown into the mix, but it turns out he’s just a lookalike. Buhle’s been keeping her personal life low-key, and this unexpected wedding is leaving everyone curious. We’re eager to learn more about her mystery man! 🎉💍😲