“She is 39 years old, The Perfect 100, He is 61 years old” said Sello Maake kaNcube celebrating love

Sello Maake kaNcube is a legendary South African actor.Sello has has worked in his home country as well as the United States, United Kingdom, Canada and Europe.He was born and raised in Orlando, Soweto in South Africa. He was brought into this world on 12th of March 1961,he is currently at the age of 61 as of October 2022.








The talented actor is currently married to his lovely wife Pearl Mbewe and today the couple celebrates two years in love.

The legendary actor .and his wife are celebrating their 2nd anniversary today.Sello went to his social media account and uploaded their pictures together.On one of the pictures Sello wrote the following caption ” She is 39 years old! The Perfect 100 He is 61 years old!”.According to the caption Sello is currently 61 years and his wife is 39 years old.The age difference between the two is 22 years.

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