The shooting underscores the stubborn lasting power of fake news and how hard it is to stamp out. Debunking false news articles can sometimes stoke the outrage of the believers, leading fake news purveyors to feed that appetite with more misinformation. Efforts by social media companies to control the spread of these stories are limited, and shutting one online discussion thread down simply “You’re like a cartoon character,” he said. “Always wearing the same thing every day.”He meant it as an intimate observation,
the kind you can make only after spending a lot of time getting to know each other. You flip your hair to the right. You only eat ice cream out of mugs. You always wear a black leather jacket. I know you.And he did know me. Rather, he knew the caricature of me that I had created and meticulously cultivated. The me I broadcast to the world on Instagram and Facebook. The witty, creative me, always detached and never cheesy or needy.That version of me got her start online as my social media persona, but over time (and I suppose for the sake of consistency), she bled off the screen and overtook my real-life personality, too. And once you master what is essentially an onstage performance of yourself, it can be hard to break character.There was a time when I allowed myself to be more than what could fit onto a 2-by-4-inch screen. When I wasn’t so self-conscious about how I was seen. When I embraced my contradictions and desires with less fear of embarrassment or rejection.I have to be honest up until 2 months ago I wouldn’t have believed anything that is on this comments. It seemed way too much and very irrational. No one is that important or matters that much. Then, it became apparent it was happening to me. I’m a very unassuming, quiet person and I lead a very quiet boring life. I just got involved with the wrong person and I am not paying the price. He is a psychopath that nearly killed me twice, beat me unconscious. When I did finally go to the police their words the sergeant running the department “if we can prove what you’re saying, we’ll get him” Yeah they did and now that they have all the proof and see he has money they’re going to let him get away with it all. Yes my phone’s are hacked and computers as well. I have the logs that prove it. They don’t care even the FBI and Secret Service, I’ve reached out to the justice department and they don’t care. I can tell you how it’s done companies use a certificate to authenticate themselves with a device. These people purchase a legitimate certificate then change the authentication key to their own so that they can change the settings on the device they’re breaking into. Yes it’s mostly done over Bluetooth and WiFi and NFC, which is the hardest to detect the infrared technology by secure payments which is designed for convenience it’s being exploited. All of this things leave a trace in every device, I now know what to look for. The user name the licenses and email addresses can all be located within each device. I was scared at first, but now I’m pissed. I’m no longer frustrated it’s actually funny. Think about it you are so important to someone that they have devoted their entire lives to you, you are their drive, and focus. They are so involved in everything you do, they can’t leave you alone. Their need of you and to know of you is laughable. I just him as far away from me, I never want to see him or hear him. But he can’t get over me, his desperation is clear. So I decided not to care, I have proof, I know their faces names addresses, their family. I can help you figure it out. This is my mission and my goal now. Fighting back. I always wondered what purpose I had in this world, I always wanted to help people. I will teach everyone that wants it. Knowledge is power, you’re afraid because you don’t know, and once you know, you’ll get the power back. Im going to start writing blogs and teaching people. I thought I was alone, now I know we are not. I will and can help. I’m fighting to put my abuser in jail their biggest fear is being exposed. So we need to start a list with all their names, make their faces addresses, every report and every law enforcement officer that has ignored an official report. Only by exposing them in specific ways. They count on the fear and intimidation making us irrational and paranoid. Let’s not give them what they want. It’s time to fight back not cower in fear. Exposure shining a light to them. There’s a lot of them but there’s also a lot of us.
pushes the fake news creators to move to another space online.“The reason why it’s so hard to stop fake news is that the facts don’t change people’s minds,” said Leslie Harris, a former president of the Center for Democracy & Technology, a nonprofit that promotes free speech and open internet policies. When users are caught abusing the terms of one media platform, they simply go to another, she said.