“Shauwn Mkhize’s transformation after the divorce” see below how she looked before she divorced

Trust money to buy people nice bodies and fix their problems. Before Kwa_mamKhize on instagram, there was Shauwn Mpisane who was married to Sbu Mpisane.




Now, back in 2018, MamKhize felt the need to release herself from whatever that had her stay married to Sub for 25years. The two were a very powerful beautiful couple, but that seem to have been for the public as MamKhize got tired of always creating a beautiful picture for the man that cared only about himself.

“I think the small problem that led my marriage to divorce was that Sbu loved himself. I also loved Sbu. So, no one cared for me. As time went by, in the process I ended up losing myself. Right now I’m trying to find myself and regain and find my identity,” Shauwn said.

This was the only information she gave their followers that were obsessed with knowing why the two divorced. Back when Shauwn was still married to Sbu Mpisane, she looked beautiful but chubby too. Shauwn MKhize has transformed everything about her body. She now look so young and beautiful, not to forget how beautifully shaped she is.

Her fans on Twitter think she really wasn’t happy while married. Finding strength and choosing herself in midst of living for her fans with her ex husband has awarded her a beautiful lifestyle. You just can’t go a day without longing for the life Shauwn Mkhize is living. The life she has created alone, not depending on her husband for anything. Everything she shares daily on her instagram page is to motivate her millions followers to go for what they want in life.

Everything she has become is results of her hard work. That she shares everyday for everyone to see. Wouldn’t you love who she has become even after the dirvoce?