Shauwn Mkhize’s daughter Sbahle responds to Jackie Phamotse, sets the record straight about the viral snake

Shauwn Mkhize’s daughter Sbahle responds to fans, sets the record straight about the viral snake videoShauwn Mkhize’s daughter Sbahle responds to fans, sets the record straight about the viral snake video Sbahle Mpisane has had to return out and answer rumors that her family is rich because they’re using sorcery. This come after author Jackie Phamotse went on Instagram Live and began a fiery conversation about wealthy celebrities who haveSbahle Mpisane has had to come out and respond to rumors that her family is rich because they are using black magic. This come after author Jackie Phamotse went on Instagram Live and started a fiery conversation about wealthy celebrities who have acquired their wealth using dark magic. Although she didn’t name any names she talked about celebs who use snakes to gain wealth.This conversation saw the recapitulation of an old video that was posted by fitness bunny Sbahle Mpisane. She had allegedly posted a video of a large snake on Instagram, speculated to have been an anaconda. Many were lead to believe that it was accidental as she had deleted it a few minutes later.Seeing that things were getting out of hand Sbahle took to her Instagram account and attempted to deflect the lies. It seems she saw a guy showing off his pet snake and reshared the video on social media. She later deleted the video but not before people saw it and downloaded it. The video went viral with tweeps claiming that the snake belonged to Mamkhize and that is how she got to be very rich.

Sbahle went on to tag the original owner of the video with a small message for the haters.
Jackie then spoke about the current pandemic that we are faced with and how it had negatively affected people and their jobs. She then pointed out the very same celebrities who complained about not working and not getting any income were able to purchase luxury cars that cost millions. They were also able to book themselves inexpensive hotels and trips but we are in the middle of a pandemic.

The author then proceeded to warn people to not accept what they are being fed, and not want the things that they see, because they do not know what sacrifices those people had made to acquire that “soft life.”