Senzo Meyiwa Trial || Kelly Khumalo is really testing the nations patience & wasting our time

Kelly Khumalo is really testing the nations patience & wasting our time, let them watch the proceedings on TV.


Kelly Khumalo and Senzo Meyiwa were in a relationship for less than a year when he was killed in 2014. She says she can’t move on until her husband’s killers are brought to justice.

The trial resumed on Monday with another round of cross-examination of state lawyer Tumelo Madlala.


Madlala was asked to explain his interpretations of certain witness statements and what they meant as far as evidence was concerned. He agreed that there were some contradictions in some witnesses’ testimonies but said it did not mean they were lying because people’s memories sometimes differ and this could affect their recollections of events at a particular time or place.

The trial of five men accused of killing Khumalo in 2014 at Khumalo’s family home in Vosloorus resumed on Monday after being adjourned in September during the cross-examination of state witness Tumelo Madlala. The case has been postponed several times since it began.

The matter is expected to continue for a few more weeks and was postponed again until next week, when it will resume with testimony from another state witness. The bail application was postponed to allow him to complete his matric.

Ntanzi’s lawyer, Simpiwe Mqadi, argued that Ntanzi had no previous convictions and was not a flight risk. He said Ntanzi had been living with his grandmother in KwaNongoma since he left school since.

Mqadi said Ntanzi supported his two children in KwaNongoma by working two jobs as a security guard and at a local supermarket.

We are not in the business of making predictions but we can say with confidence that Kelly Khumalo will be found guilty and sentenced to life imprisonment.