See Pics Funeral service of Shona Ferguson

Shona Ferguson is being laid to rest today and many of his family and friends have gathered to pay their last tribute.
















The star died last Friday due to Covid-19 complications.

The funeral service of the deceased is on going and his daughters

Alicia and Lesedi are expected to speak at the service, while a recorded message from his wife Connie will be played.

Shona won over the hearts of Mzansi through his work stint on several shows, including Generations.

He also owned production company Ferguson Films with his wife
Connie went on to gush over the love that they shared together.

“You’ve taught me unconditional love, you were not one for half measures. Anyone who has ever known you will know that my husband loved hard, he cared hard, he worked hard, most importantly he loved the Lord hard, unashamedly.

“You’ve touched a lot of lives Sho’, you’ve taught people how to love, black families. You’ve changed the narrative. I may have only had 20 years with you Sho’, but our 20 years, what you and I had in 20 years, most people don’t get to experience that in their life.

“How lucky am I. You loved me in a way that I didn’t know was possible to love, you had the God kind of love.”

She said that she would now have to go.

“I realise that this is going to be a journey for me. God is still God and although I am confused right now, I don’t know what tomorrow looks like without you because I just cannot imagine myself without you.

“I am happy to have you as an angel. I have all I need to be okay. Your race on earth might have come to and end, but know that you fought a good fight.

“I have to find it in me to continue until I am ready to join you, so this is not goodbye my love, because love like you and I have does not die.