Generations The Legacy actress Pamela, played by Zola Nombona, shared a stunning series of boxing photoshoots she had recently. She was wearing female boxing wear and a red boxing robe on the shoot. Zola also made the shoot look a bit realistic too. She made sure her makeup was done professionally, and it looked like she had bruises and a nosebleed.
She captioned the photos, “Art imitates life, or life imitates Arts?” As an actress, she is no stranger to various techniques of makeup. Some make-up methods were formulated to make people look younger. On the shoot, a method was used to make her look bruised. Generations The Legacy actresses once had a similar photoshoot to spread awareness about Gender-based violence.Her Instagram comment section was buzzing with comments. Most of her industry peers like Linda Mtoba, Dawn Thandeka King and Londie London told her she looked fire. Bonko Khoza from The Wife called her a champ. On the other hand, her fans asked her if she was keen on fighting in Celeb City. As we know, the boxing sport is regaining relevance in Mzansi.