Siyabonga Shibe is a South African actor who comes from Umlazi in KwaZulu-Natal. He plays Qhabanga on the telenovela Uzalo on SABC 1. Since he started acting in 2002, he has given us the best roles ever. He has had more than 15 roles on TV.
One of his best performances was as James in “James Goes to Jerusalem.” He was Mandla Nyaose in “Bay of Plenty,” “Sfiso” on “Gaz’lam,” and “Thami” in “A Place Called Home.” His teachers told him he should become an actor.
When you look at old pictures of the famous 42-year-old actor and compare them to pictures of him now, you can see a big difference. Even though they are different sizes, his skin says, “Money is good.” People say that money is bad, but people with a lot of money can buy a lot of good things.
Siyabonga will not work for a low wage. He is smart when it comes to money. He used to work as an actor, but he quit because of problems with money. A few weeks ago, it was said that he and the producers of Uzalo were fighting over his salary.
Through his TV roles, Siyabonga has taught, helped, and influenced a lot of people over the years.